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Chirimba Madodana Choir launches first album

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Ten-member Chirimba Madodana Choir of Chirimba Church of the Central Africa Presbyterian  (CCAP) of the Blantyre Synod will on December 2 launch an album titled Mtamandeni Ambuye.

Choir director Henderson Dalili said this would be the choir’s first album since its inception in 2013.

Some of the songs in the album are; Saulo Undilonderanji, Atimenyera Nkhondo, Sunga Malonjezano Onse, Anandikweza, Kodi Ndani Alibe Chisoni?, Wauka Yesu, Moyo Wanga Uli Ngati Madzi a Mumtsinje, Yesu adza Msanga and Tsiku Lokoma.

“We are expecting all men’s choral groups to come and support us during the launch as we promote men’s ministry in Blantyre Synod.

Chirimba Madodana singing in church last sunday

“Of late, we have seen the tremendous growth of Men’s choral groups and it is our wish to have a good working relationship among all groups within the Blantyre City Presbytery and this should be the starting point,” said Dalili.

He said apart from the men’s choral groups, there are other women and youth choirs which will also support the launch.

Almost all songs in this album are derived from the Bible and give powerful teachings to people of all ages.

Chirimba CCAP management is helping the choir to identify dignitaries to patronise the event.

“We are optimistic that the turn out will be impressive from within our church and outside. This will be the time to learn from one another, especially from the men’s choral groups,” the choir director said. n

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